誠聘主任牧師/傳道人 |
以粵語為主 能操流利英語 畢業於國際認可之福音派神學院 擁有三年或以上牧會經驗, 北美牧會經驗為佳 有領導與講道恩賜 “ 我們是一間洋溢著基督的愛,以聖經為基礎、著重傳福音、更透過團契及各樣活動學習的教會。我們當中有不少年青家庭及孩童,並有一位英語傳道人負責青少年事工。現時我們正尋找一位合適的牧者來到教會當中作領導,帶領教會一同在這屬靈大家庭中彼此守望、互相結連、努力建立基督的身體。” |
有意應徵者請把Cover Letter與履歷電郵至:search@rpcmc.ca |
We are searching for a part-time youth pastor to provide spiritual leadership and pastoral care to the growing set of pre-teen and teen youths within our congregation. Responsibilities include developing and executing on our weekly youth programs, ongoing mentoring and visitations and occasional assistance with our children’s ministry. Qualified candidates either possess or are actively pursuing a degree from an evangelical seminary or equivalent.
If interested, please contact youth.hiring@rpcmc.ca
We are searching for a part-time youth leader to help our youths develop a personal relationship with Christ. You will be responsible for our weekly youth programs, which currently include our weekly Sunday School and will collaborate with our volunteer youth leaders on other youth-oriented activities. Qualified candidates must possess a solid biblical standing and prior experience serving in youth ministry.
If interested, please contact youth.hiring@rpcmc.ca